I am Orange:
Tell Me What You Want Behind the Seen
Lecture Performance and publication
30 mins

The film project Tell Me What You Want explores the exchanged glances, desires, and friendship between a traveler and an exotic culture. This relationship begins with the journey of a fictional character "David" in Malate (Manila) and his contacts with tourism marketing professionals. It looks at the underlying class consciousness in the development of tourism and international trade. The lecture performance I am Orange is the fifth chapter which tells the story from David's boyfriend's point of view with the real photos and SMS messages between David and Junio(who is the main marketing boy David was dealing with) to reveal the hidden stories and details behind the scene.
The performance comes with a publication "I am Orange: Tell Me What You Want Behind the Seen."
Actor Manuel Blanc and Angel Zermen as "David's boyfriend".

I am Orange
Lecture Performance
Centre Pompidou
2018 ©Herve Veronese Centre Pompidou
Perform by Manuel Blanc
I am Orange
Lecture Performance
Instituto Alumno
2018 ©Vernacular Institute
Perform by Angel Zermen
Lecture Performance
Script: Yu Cheng-Ta
Translation: Alice Pialoux, Caroline Ferreira
Actor: Manuel Blanc, Angel Zermen
Editors: Franchesca Casauay, Yu Cheng-Ta
Texts: Franchesca Casauay, Yu Cheng-Ta
Book Design: Yu Cheng-Ta
Proofreading: Cullen Pitney
Produced and published for the solo screening at Centre Pompidou