"It's No Big Deal, It's My Job" -Adapted from an Interview with Lin Yu-Chun
Live performance, video installation / dimensions variable / 2016
This project is an adaption of the work history of art historian and senior collection archivist Lin Yu-Chun, enabling the labor hidden within the collection system to attain a living state. Unlike many of her peers who have specialized in Chinese art history, Lin devoted her early career to researching four first-generation Taiwanese painters who lived abroad in either France or Japan. Since joining Taipei Fine Arts Museum, she has prepared the commemorative exhibitions of several first-generation artists, handled collection acquisitions, composed histories, and arranged exhibition displays. She was the curator of the recent exhibition "Formosa in Formation." This project is adapted from an interview with Lin Yu-Chun. In an on-site broadcasting studio, a voice talent interprets the role of the archivist in a spoken word performance once a day.
Script: Huang Ding-Yun and Yu Cheng-Ta / Performers: Ma Wei-Yuan, Huang Ding-Yun, Peng Pei-Hsuan, Cho Kai-Cheng, Tseng Chi-Wei, Yang Yu-Jheng, Lao Yuan-Ching, Lai Hao-Zhe, Lee Ming-Chen
Commissioned by the exhibition Dance with the Museum Collection - Retrieved, Reimagined, Restarted at Taipei Fine Arts Museum